Hendri, Syamdani2, Syahril, Rusdinal3, Nurhizrah Gistituati4
Doctoral Program of Postgraduate, The State of Padang University, Indonesia minangkabauuniversity@yahoo.com
syamdaniajja@gmail.com, rilmpd@gmail.com rusdinalhar@yahoo.com,
The direction of developing aspects of education that are UNP’s responsibility, it is felt that the importance of elementary, junior and senior high school located in UNP campus and using UNP’s physical facilities is used as a means that can be directly accessed and controlled by UNP to the greatest possible loss of tasks tridharma UNP is in line with the construction of the schools themselves as a leading institution in education coveted by society, nation and state. This can be realized through the development or re-institutionalization of these schools into Laboratory Schools that are integral to UNP.
Organizing learning processes that employ high-touch pillars between learners and educators and high tech in materials, methodology, tools and environment, and assessment. The two pillars of learning are to develop the students’ learning force (power of taqwa, creativity, taste, power, and work) optimally in order to actualize the five dimensions of humanity (the dimensions of kefitrahan, keindividualan, kesosialan, kekusilaan, dan agama). In organizing its tridharma, Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) requires various supporting units. One of the supporting units is a Laboratory School which is a very important element in the development of the quality of education, both in theory and practice.
Keywords: Management, Policy, Education, and UNP Laboratory Schools.