Pebriyenni 1, Yusrizal2, Rusdinal3 , Nurhizrah Gistituati4, Azwar Ananda 5
1,2Department of Civic Educational Universitas Bung Hatta, 25413 Padang
3,4,5Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera- Indonesia
West Sumatera- Indonesia
This article aims to describe how the application of quality culture to improve the competitiveness of Study Program of Civic Educational University of Bung Hatta Padang. Quality can be interpreted according to the standard. Quality Assurance is a process to ensure that all characteristics and performance conform to standards / requirements through academic documents. In general, quality assurance is: (1) The process of establishing and fulfilling the quality standards of education consistently and continuously (2) The process of ensuring that the quality of the graduates is in accordance with the established competencies so that the quality can be maintained consistently and continuously. The study program is considered qualified if able to establish and realize the vision through mission implementation, able to meet the needs of stakeholders. Type of research is qualitative descriptive using observation and documentation guidance as an instrument with qualitative data analysis technique. The result of research shows that the study program has 1. High commitment proved by the availability of quality documents, starting from quality policy, quality manual, quality standard and form; (2) Internally driven; (3) Responsibility and supervision; (4) Compliance with the plan; (5) Evaluation and (6) Continuous quality improvement
keywords: Continuous Quality Improvement, Vision and Mission, Quality Policy