Sicilia Sawitri1), Wulansari Prasetyaningtyas2)
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Kampus Sekarang Gunungpati Semarang
Some one who want to become a new entrepreneur, can start from increasing her/his skill in producting a new products in may variety. The purpose of the research was to know, the achievement of women in Bandarharjo one of the district in Semarang Central Java, in creating handicraft. The method used in this research was experimental design. This research was conducted in Bandarharjo District, Semarang Central Java Indonesia. Observation list was used as the instrument of this research. The instructional method used in this research was lecturer , demonstration and practice. Job sheet was the medium used in this research.
The finding in this research was the skill of women in Bandarharjo district in creating handicraft about 75.5, it was good catagory. It means they have good opportunity to start a new business in produce some handicrafts. They can become a new entrepreneur as good as they produce some handicrafts in many variety. Keywords: Women skill, Bandarharjo distric, Handicraft, New entrepreuner