Second International Conference on Cullinary, Fashion, Beauty, and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2019
Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Universitas Negeri Padang, September 9th – 10th 2019
Zuraini Mahyiddin1, Yuli Heirina Hamid2, Nurul Faudhiah3&Zaudhatul Ulya4
1 2 3PKK Study Program, Teacher Training, and Education Faculty, Syiah Kuala University
4Industrial Engineering Study Program, Engineering Faculty, Syiah Kuala University Darussalam, Banda Aceh-23111, Indonesia
University graduates unemployment rates increase every year even though the opportunity as an entrepreneur is huge. Businesses that utilize superior commodities such as oysters in Aceh are tended to be accepted in the community. Oyster farmers in Aceh having low welfare because they only rely on fresh oysters sales. The innovation of oyster chips has been initiated by Syiah Kuala University students but the sustainability of this business has failed. This study observes the role of university graduates in the development of Alue Naga Community Oyster Chips sales and analyzes this business opportunity in the future.This is qualitative research with a descriptive analysis approach by observing the location and conducting interviews with oyster farmers and fresh-graduates with several disciplines. The results obtained that the main problems encountered by the farmers are marketing skills, information systems, technology, and business management, so collaboration between oyster farmers and fresh-graduates in Aceh with several disciplines is needed. University graduates who are having Industry
4.0 challenges understanding during college can play an active role in participating in the production and sale of oyster chips. Also, to increase the revenue, this product can turn to be gifts for people who came to Aceh.
Keywords: University graduates, Oyster chips, Entrepreneur, Industry 4.0