Ira Handayani, AtiekZahrulianingdyah
Family Welfare Education Department, Semarang State University Campus of Sekaran, Gunungpati Semarang 50229
Specific development of pedagogic competence test model is highly necessary to generate appropriate competence models due to pedagogic difference between subjects. This research aimed to develop Culinary Art (food processing and serving) Pedagogic Competence Test model on Teacher Profession Education (PPG) of Culinary Expertise Program. This P2M Pedaboga Test utilized Plomp (1997) development procedures that comprised of (1) preliminary investigation phase; (2) design phase; (3) realization phase; (4) testing phase, and revision. Validity test carried out by two experts who assessed the devices and instruments of learning/training and test. Expertise level between the assessors against their assessment were analyzed analyzed using Cohen’s Kappa Coefficient and percentage of agreement statistic. Subjects were PKK (Culinary Art) Education department students. Research result revealed that: (1) Pedaboga P2M test had 92% average of effectiveness, 87% of practicality, and 86% of implementation criteria; (2) competency test devices such as learning/training and test module had excellent criteria (3.73 in average), expertise check sheets and assessment rubric (justification) of training/test participants had excellent criteria (3.62 in average). Pedaboga P2M Test model could be utilized as reference for future pedagogic competence test activity of Teacher Profession Education for more specific Competence test assessment.
KEYWORDS: Competence Test Model, Pedagogic Competence, Teacher Profession
Education,Culinary Art