St. Aisyah, Kurniati, Srikandi, Rosmiaty
Universitas Negeri Makassar
Jl. Dg. Tata Raya Kampus UNM Parang Tambung Makassar, 90224,,,
Technical skills of students in learning Industrial Clothing Production are needed in introducing the process of producing mass clothing to the selling stage. This study is a descriptive quantitative research, which generally aims to depict the students’ technical skills in Industrial Clothing Production learning in vocational high school. Sample of this study is selected by using cluster random sampling technique proportionally, which has taken 180 students from 11 vocational high schools in South Sulawesi.
The result of this study shows that the level of students’ skills, based on their technical ability with 9 categories such as knowledge of fashion industry, pattern/ maker, cutting, sewing/knitting, finishing, pressing, quality control, packing, and deliveries, shows that the skills of students is averagely good in the process of producing fashion industry. This means that the learning process in vocational high schools already facilitates students in strengthen technical skills, however this skills need to be developed through learning models with adequate facilities and infrastructure.
KEYWORDS: technical skills, industrial clothing production, vocational high schools