Weni Nelmira
Universitas Negeri Padang, Department of Fashion West Sumatera, Indonesia weninelmira@yahoo.com
The ability of students to understand concepts and skills in manual embroidery lectures is still low. The problems found are in the learning process tends to be teacher-centered, lack of adequate Manual Embroidery learning module. To overcome these problems it is necessary to develop the Manual Embroidery learning module in order to improve the quality of student learning in achieving the learning objectives. The purpose of this study is to describe the validity, practicality and effectiveness of modules developed in the course Embroidery course students Fashion Clothing Department IKK FPP UNP. This research is a research and development, that it begins by analyzing the problems of manual embroidery learning, conducting literature study, designing learning module draft, developing manual embroidery learning module (conducting module validity test, doing module practical test and doing module effectiveness test). The results showed that the manual embroidery course modules developed were in accordance with student characteristics and embroidery course curriculum. Thevalidity of the modules assessed by the validator obtained an average of 92.27% with very valid categories. Furthermore, the test of practicality of Embroidery module by students is considered very practical (82.28%) with very practical category. The effectiveness test result of Embroidery module is considered quite effective in improving student learning outcomes where there is improvement of student learning outcomes with the score of 70 and up from 23.8% to 95.2% with very high category. It is expected that developed modules can be utilized by students so that it can help improve the quality of learning followed by students.
KEYWORDS: development, module, manual embroidery